Tanner Baumgartner
Tanner Baumgartner


Tanner Baumgartner

Where are you from: Columbia Falls Montana

What is your day job: MRI technologist

What do you do for fun outside of CrossFit: Hunting, camping, coaching youth sports, spending as much time as possible at any lake, and anything that involves spending time with family?

What makes a good coach: A good coach is someone who can help develop an athlete to move with consistent mechanics each day, can adapt to individual needs as well as manage a larger group, and is not the center of the class but only noticed during the small interactions with each athlete.

Why did you become a CrossFit coach: I have always had a passion for exercise and fitness and have tried many different avenues for it. The only one that continues to drive me to be the best version of myself is CrossFit. Having been given so much by this community, my passion is to share the knowledge I have gained with anyone who would be willing to muster up the courage to walk through our doors. I get so much pride in watching those around me grow in confidence, fitness, and community. Coaching gives me life at its best.

What is your favorite workout: 30 clean and jerks for time at 135lbs, also known as Grace.

What are your certifications: CrossFit level 1 trainer, Crossfit Gymnastics